1. The Society will be known as “Ampthill and District Angling and Fish Preservation Society” or “Ampthill and District Angling Club”.
2. Aims and Objectives:
a. The preservation and furtherance of angling interests within the area.
b. The preservation and protection of fish life.
c. The protection of properties of those who entrust fishing rights to the Committee.
3. Membership shall be open to any individual subject to final approval of the Committee.
4. Ampthill and District Angling and Fish Preservation Society is fully committed to the principles of equality in the sport of angling, irrespective of participants’ ethnic origin, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation or disability. It is opposed to discrimination or harassment in any form.
5. Ampthill and District Angling and Fish Preservation Society is a non-profit making/distributing organisation and shall continue to operate so long as twenty members remain. All surpluses shall be used to maintain/improve its facilities in line with its objectives. Should there be at any time less than twenty members of the Society, the assets shall be realised by the Secretary and distributed to other non-profit making bodies with the objective of the preservation and furtherance of angling interests, and shall not be distributed to members or individuals.
6. Management:
a. Officers: chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and any other officers deemed necessary to the running of the Society (with the powers to co-opt).
b. The above officers to be elected at the AGM.
c. The match secretary and assistants shall be responsible for the organising of all society matches and match representation.
d. The committee shall meet at least once a month to arrange the affairs of the Society; five Committee members shall form a quorum.
Any angler found in breach of club rules may be subject to an endorsement.
Endorsements may only be issued by an Official Club Bailiff
If all three endorsement boxes are completed the Bailiff shall remove the membership card from the offender and he or she will be banned for a term determined by the Committee.
1. Approach the offender in a polite manner.
2. Ask if the offender is a club member. If ‘NO’ ask offender to leave the water, advise where club membership is obtainable and stress that prosecution may be enforced if they continue to fish club waters illegally.
3. Ifthe offender refuses to leave the club water call the police and inform a committee member.
4. If the offender is a club member, request production of their membership card.
5. Inform the offender of the rule that has been broken and inform the committee.
N.B If you see any person introducing or taking fish, alive or dead from club waters, inform the police and any committee member.